Friday, April 19, 2013

Taking the Time

I'm about to start a project on this blog that I've been thinking about for a long time.

To start out, I want to explain my thought process behind this. Every once in a while, I'll be in the middle of my devotions, or reading a blog and want to search and see if there's a blog that speaks on art and faith. Usually (unless I've been looking in the wrong places), I'll get kinds of results.

1) By typing in the word "artist" I'll get something that revolves around musicians, or worship leaders.

2)I'll get a blog that deals with art as more of a hobby or a passion, rather than a profession.

I have been looking for something that I can't find, because I think I have a very specific idea of what I want in my head, and as always, no one can fully understand those specifics but me.

The first time I came up short in my search, I felt God plant a seed of an idea in my mind. What if I was the person to write on the things that I'm looking for? Maybe there are others like me: someone who's art is so ingrained in their life that to not have it is to not function properly. Maybe like me, someone is wondering what God has to say on the subject of art. It's been a long time since I first thought about that idea, and every once in a while I'll think about developing this into a reality, but things have stopped me.

The biggest thing that has stopped me from doing this is the fact that I am so busy. I guess this isn't really an excuse, but I find myself so consumed with the pressures of producing art for school that I pretty much leave everything else behind. I don't work on personal projects (unless I'm feeling particularly prcrastinate-y that day) and forget about taking breaks to do nothing. Sometimes, I even forgo my mornings with God because I'm worried that there aren't enough hours in the day to fit in everything.

But today, God has nudged the idea for a series of posts about art to the front of my mind. It's true, maybe I can't always find time to work on this. But if I have to find the time to reflect on my art and my faith, then it's almost like it's an afterthought instead of a priority.

Finding the time to do something, whether it's working on my figures, doing exercises to prevent my tendonitis from flaring up, or spending time with God is not what I should strive after.

I need to take time to do this. Taking the time means intentionally planning ahead and setting aside some time to work on personal projects.

Without taking the time to do something, all of my dreams stay just as they are: dreams. Vapors.

I want to make this idea a reality.

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